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Eijkelkamp N, Steen-Louws C, Hartgring SA et al. (2016) IL4-10 fusion protein is a novel drug to treat persistent inflammatory pain. J Neurosci 36: 7353–7363
Steen‐Louws C, Popov‐Celeketic J, Mastbergen SC et al. (2018) IL4‐10 fusion protein has chondroprotective, anti‐inflammatory and potentially analgesic effects in the treatment of osteoarthritis. Osteoarthritis Cartilage 26: 1127‐ 35
Steen-Louws C, Hartgring SAY, Popov-Celeketic J et al. (2019) IL4-10 fusion protein: a novel immunoregulatory drug combining activities of interleukin 4 and interleukin 10. Clin Exp Immunol. 195(1): 1-9
Prado J, Westerink RHS, Popov-Celeketic J et al. (2021) Cytokine receptor clustering in sensory neurons with an engineered cytokine fusion protein triggers unique pain resolution pathways. PNAS 118(11): e2009647118